Thursday, September 6, 2007


My best win % is KK. Hmmmmm. Maybe I should change this site to "HOW TO WIN WITH KK". OK, not really. Notice, out of almost 2000 hands I only got KK 3 times. And this is not tournament play. Ring games only. AA was down at 50%. Tournament play probably would show KK at 50% or worse.

I need to figure out how to really use pokertracker. I am having trouble looking up tournament hands. Maybe I am closing out the tournaments too early? I don't think I am data mining either. Or at least I don't have the right settings marked. Either way, since early July, I show 17 hands played in tournament play. That is obviously wrong.

Friday night we are going to a wedding and then Saturday and Sunday will be kids events (soccer game, football game, soccer game, and boy scout meeting). I hope to at least get in the Sunday night football game. BTW, I changed my pick for tonight from Indy to NO at 4pm today, based on this guy and Mr. Q both talking about New Orleans covering. Off to a great start!

Stay patient...

1 comment:

Alan aka RecessRampage said...

Less than 50% with AA???? Something's not right.

Sorry to hear you switched to NO... win some lose some I guess. :)