Friday, October 12, 2007

10 Things you didn't really need to know

1) I had my first child (a boy) when I was 17. I never married his mom (I agreed to, but her mom said no- as she was afraid she would not finish high school if she got married), but he has been in my life ever since. He is 21 now and drives to get me beer when I need it.

2)I got my girlfriend pregnant right at college graduation. I thought the right thing to do was to go ahead and agree to marry her (Wife #1). We lived together for less than a year. That child (Boy #2) has been in my life ever since. He is now 16 and he has physical skills I could never have imagined to possess.

3)When I was 25 I met a woman who turned everybody's head in every room she entered. We ended up dating. She begged me to marry her and I finally agreed (wife #2). She had said she would be open to having children (I wanted kids that I could spend every day with - not every other weekend). Shortly after we got married it was obvious she did not have the patience for kids (not even for every other weekend kids). She was jealous of the time I spent with my kids. Then she said she never wants to have any of her own and the marriage fizzled from there. She was the one who said "Lester: you’re gonna spill beer on the couch."

4)5 ½ years ago, I met a girl through work and really had a weird (good) feeling about her. She had a 1 year old son (Boy #3). The night of our first date, I knew I wanted to marry her (wife #3). She was the first woman I ever asked to marry me (the others asked me, or we said "I guess we better get married"). We have been married for 4 years now and I still think she is the most beautiful and sexy woman I have ever met!

5)I had another child (#4 boy) when I was 37. My wife was so happy, she started persisting how badly she wanted another and I said it better be now or never. So now I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old (child #5 and Girl #1). I love them both dearly, but I tell everyone to wait 3 years or more between children. I change diapers and then change diapers and then change diapers. I don't know how people with twins or triplets do it.

6)I have worked in the financial industry doing 100% commission sales for the last 16 years. For the last 6 years I have been doing residential home mortgage sales. If you want the inside skinny on your mortgage loan, email me. I know all the tricks and BS that loan officers play.

7)My dad worked as a salesman his whole life. I always said "I will never be a salesman, like my dad". Now I am the top "sales" loan officer in my company of 22 loan officers and I *edited*. I make more money than any other salesperson in the company and I cannot wait to *edited*. My company will *edited*, though.

8)My job has always been to listen to people, figure out what they REALLY want, and then give them what I want them to have and make it appear to be what they want. That is just what “sales” is, but I am really good at reading people. That helps me in poker, of course. I think that is why I enjoy poker so much, because you have to read your opponent and give them what you think they want to see. I love figuring out what someone has and then they are like "how did you know what my cards were???". Duh!

9)I used to feel that I was good at many things but not great at any one thing. Now I feel I am GREAT at being good at many things...

10)I don’t get hangovers. Really! I can drink all night (15-20 beers), go to sleep at 2am, then get up and go to work at 7am. You would think that is great, but it is really a curse. You know how people say “I was so drunk last night. I am not drinking again for a MONTH!”? That never happens to me. I did drink for 24 hours straight one time in college and then my whole body “ached” for 2 days. I don’t do that anymore.

I think everyone has done this, but in case you haven't, I'll tag jusdealem.
I have to say that I really enjoy reading everyone that I linked to on my site. If you stumbeled onto this site, you should really be reading MiamiDon, Alan, Waffles, LJ and the others.

Stay patient...


jusdealem said...

You would tag the most boring/uninteresting person in the blogoshere, now wouldn't you? LOL

Well, I wish I'd known you about 5/6 months ago. I would've had many questions for you when I was dealing with my loan officer. That man put me thru some truly unnecessary drama. I had to get ugly with him more than once and I hate to do that. That whole process was a nightmare, really.

Alan aka RecessRampage said...

Those 10 things were really funny. So glad I tagged you.

Proto said...

Cool List, and yes I stumbled here and yes I'll check the links...

lj said...

thanks for shout out and really enjoyed your 10 things. mine are gonna be waaaay more uninteresting!