I had a surprise party at the casino including a room so I could stay up playing poker all night. Every year it takes me longer to recuperate from "all-nighters". I had no idea she planned it. It was the best birthday party I have ever had!
I ended up down $60 playing $1/$3 NL. The big swing hand of the night was when I raised pre-flop with QQ, got one caller and the flop came 5K5. I bet a little over half the pot as first to act and the villian shoved all in. I just could not see calling without a King in my hand. He stated "I have a black 5 in my hand. I'll show you no matter what you decide to do". I did fold and he showed Q9 off suit for the complete bluff. That would have doubled me up from what I started with ($360). Oh well.
Hope the tables are treating you well. I'll probably be back online playing later this week.
Stay patient...
happy birthday! cool gift by your wife!
Happy Birthday!
That is a really cool gift from the wife. I turn 40 next year...maybe Mrs. JamyHawk needs to talk to OhCountess :-)
Bappy Birthday old man!
Great cake! Happy birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
very cool. happy b-day.
Happy Birthday J-Man!!
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