Monday, September 7, 2009

Great food, unexpected consequences

Hawkette made this wonderful appetizer. It was very simple. She cut whole jalapenos in half, scraped out the seeds, filled them with cream cheese and then wrapped them in bacon. We grilled them and they were fantastic!

However. Important lesson learned here. She de-seeded them with her bare hands. BAD IDEA! After "googling" her situation, she realized you are supposed to wear rubber gloves when working with the insides of hot peppers. Who knew?

Her hands were burning all night. She used ice water, lemon juice, and rubbing alcohol. Each helped but only lasted briefly and then the burning returned. Finally, she fell asleep, but she will never make that mistake again.

Good thing she didn't grab something she shouldn't have right after she gutted those peppers.


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David said...

That sounds absolutely delicious!

Jeremy said...

Sounds good! Several years ago, we had a garden and had a lot of extra peppers and tomatoes. I decided that I would make my own salsa. I started peeling and cutting the peppers. For salsa, you have to actually peel the skin off of the peppers, so I used my fingernails to dig into them and get the skin off. My hands were burning a little bit but I didn't think too much of it. I finished up the salsa and used the bathroom, rubbed my eyes, itched my nose, and before I knew it I was in extreme pain. Oh my god, unless you have felt this you can't understand how bad it is. My hands felt like I dipped them in acid and the skin was melting off. I almost went to the ER. I read on the internet that soaking them in milk would help. That helped some but I had to keep replacing the milk for it to work. So after using almost a gallon of milk and about 8 hours later the pain started to go away.

Jestocost said...

Jalapenos and serranos usually are OK w/o gloves for me. I do glove up for habaneros and above, however.