No. I didn't finish in the money. I actually bubbled the bubble. I was close enough to probably fold to the money but chose to go for a steal that backfired. On the button with 6 players at my table, it folds around to me. I have $5800 with a SB of $600 and BB of $1200 and around $2400 total in the pot with antes. SB player has $3000 stack and BB has $8000. I decided to shove hoping that no premium hands are behind me. My cards were really irrelevant (Kh8h). We were playing hand for hand, so I figured only a big pocket pair is calling or maybe AK.
Anyway, BB calls with AQ and Ace high wins. I really should have stayed tighter for a couple more spots.
My main points when playing the $3 KO's. (built from tips from Matt and Emptyman).
1)Early on: loosen up my play. Starting stack is $3000. I can see a few more pots when I know that $2000 is an easy amount to come back with. By loosen up though: I only mean play a few more hands WHEN IN POSITION. And only during the first 3 or so blinds. I still don't want to play 79sooted from UTG. But on the button with a limped pot: yes. If a 6,8, 10 spikes the flop or my flush hits, I can take down a nice pot. Raising from the cutoff or Button with 77 or even KJ is OK. But stay attentive after the flop. Fire a bullet and get re-raised, you need to let the hand go.
2)Middle of the tournament play tight, solid poker from position. The nice thing about this level that I have found is that you can get paid off on monster hands. You might lose once in a while to someone chasing a draw, but if you leave yourself some chips, you can build them right up again.
3)Tighten up around the bubble. Now this is contrary to my normal style, hence why I have such a problem remembering to do this. But, people are still thinking "It was only $3" this late in the tourney. I've seen plenty of junk thrown all in with only 2 or 3 spots to the money (Like my K8 soooooted). Hopefully you have enough chips to make it through a dead card run, but no use trying to bully everyone with an all in here: you will get called, so you better have some bling. But seriously, the play seems to tighten up after the bubble pops. I think everyone starts eyeing that first place prize once they hit the final table. Then you can start stealing some blinds again.
4)Put the pressure on at the final table. Chances are, there are at least 1/3 of the players there that are terrible. Push on them, raise them up on their draws, watch them call you off with top pair weak kicker and take it down.
Hope you do well. To really increase your abilities, go check out Matt and Emptyman. It will pay off.
2 more days until the Figg Tree Poker Tournament to raise money for colon cancer patients. If you are near Saint Louis, please come play.
Is anyone else watching Big Brother??? What a twist this season to have couples. People have another person that they can bitch to, so now there's more outward fighting and backstabbing. It used to be that everyone had to play nice in front of everyone, but not this time... And how stupid is Jen for telling Parker her secret so early. Buh-Bye, Jen.
Stay patient...
Got big brother DVR'd.....just haven't gotten caught up yet.
A guilty pleasure every year.
This is great info to know.
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