Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Always Learning

With every day that passes, I realize more how little I know. Which means there is always an opportunity to learn.

I found a few poker blogs 2 months ago and quite frankly: they sucked. Some guy writing about how he got sucked out on again; how he got his Aces cracked; or about some hiking trip he took (under a poker blog disguise). Then I found MiamiDon . What a great blog. Something to inspire me. I need to start a blog. And thanks to MiamiDon, I started my blog. Then I started to read more blogs and realized there are many, many, many good poker blogs. Of course, there are still several piss-poor ones, but there are a lot of GREAT ONES.

So once again, I have a lot to learn. I am so glad that not many people are reading this today. But hopefully, this blog can evolve into something that other poker players will read to help improve their game; or at least read to laugh at some hand I got sucked out on. Until then, I will be one of the piss-poor ones.

And by the way, it SUCKS to have no dishwasher. How many conveniences do we have in our lives now? Spending an hour washing dishes during my prime poker time is no fun. It's kind of hard to work the mousepad on my laptop with soapsud hands. My dishwasher motor went out and has now rearranged my priorities to : #1 Buy a new dishwasher. #2 Everything else.

Stay patient . . .


1 comment:

Schaubs said...

welcome to the club. It's nice to see newbies join the crew. Not that I am that much of an old time blogger... but it has been fun so far. Lots to learn for sure!