Sunday, June 23, 2024

Final level 4

 Level 4 200/400/400

Get AsKs utg. Raise to 1k. Mid position calls. BB calls. Flop is Jc5d6d. I bet out 1k. Villain reraises to 3K. I call. Turn is 8h. I check fold to his bet. Down to 7800. 

AhKd on button. Hijack raises to 1400. I jam all in for 7800. SB and BB fold. He tanks and finally folds. $10,200. 

Down to $8200. UTG raises to 1200. Mid position calls. I jam $8200 with AhAd. UTG calls.  Mid folds. Shows 8d8h. 8 in the window holds and I go home. 

Only down pairs I had were 22, 77, 88,99, and QQ but never won more than the blinds. Had AQ once and won had after the flop. Had AK twice, lost once and won a small pot once. Then finally AA and lost. Tough day of grinding and never getting above starting stack. 

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