Sunday, June 23, 2024

WSOP 2024

 1 hour til go time. I’ve worked out, had a healthy breakfast and I’m as ready as I can be. Now to visualize myself at the final table. 

Playing 4 handed to start. 25K 100/100/100. 60 min blinds. 

Very first hand 99 in BB. SB checks. I raise. Won first hand. Weeeeee. 

Still first level.  Villain +2 raises to 400. I repop from BB to 1200 with AsQs. Flop comes 3s5d8d. I bet 1200 he calls. Turn is 4s. I bet 2200, he makes it 6500. I call. Turn is 8h. I check he goes all in. Fold. Down to 15K. 

Starting second level with 15K. 

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