Thursday, June 18, 2009

More to Mikey's story

This video story has Mike explain how when they were down to 3 handed he took out Ramirez. Ramirez at first thought he won the hand.

Also, the pictures are poor quality because they shot them off the back of my camera. I didn't realize it until halfway through the story, because I kept saying "the photogropher must have been standing right in front of me to take this picture", "and this one too", "and this one too?!?!?!. That's when I realized they took them from my camera which Mikey borrowed for the bracelet ceremony (we had to fly home earlier).


Schaubs said...

That's so awesome.

Way to go Mikey!!

smokkee said...

a helluva story

lightning36 said...

Excellent story. Congrats!