Sunday, June 23, 2024

Final level 4

 Level 4 200/400/400

Get AsKs utg. Raise to 1k. Mid position calls. BB calls. Flop is Jc5d6d. I bet out 1k. Villain reraises to 3K. I call. Turn is 8h. I check fold to his bet. Down to 7800. 

AhKd on button. Hijack raises to 1400. I jam all in for 7800. SB and BB fold. He tanks and finally folds. $10,200. 

Down to $8200. UTG raises to 1200. Mid position calls. I jam $8200 with AhAd. UTG calls.  Mid folds. Shows 8d8h. 8 in the window holds and I go home. 

Only down pairs I had were 22, 77, 88,99, and QQ but never won more than the blinds. Had AQ once and won had after the flop. Had AK twice, lost once and won a small pot once. Then finally AA and lost. Tough day of grinding and never getting above starting stack. 

Level 3

 Sitting at $12,100. 

3rd level:

Utg +2 calls 300. I’m ugt +3 and raise to 1000 with 10sJc.  SB and  BB fold. +2 calls. Flop is 2c4h7d. Villain checks. I bet 1K. He calls. Turn is Jd. Villain checks. I bet 1K. River is 7c. He checks. I bet 2K. He folds. I’m at $12,700

Not catching any monster flops or  big pocket pairs. 

End of 3. Now at 12,800

WSOP 2024 level 2

 2nd level:

Button raises to 600. I have 8d8h in BB. Call. Flop is Kc7c5c. I bet out 600. Villain calls. Turn is 6h. I check. He bets 2K. Fold. Down to 13,500. 

10cJs utg +1. Raise to 500. BB calls. Flop is Ac4h9c. Villain checks. I bet 600. He calls. Turn is 7d. Villain checks. I check. River is 8h giving me straight.  Villian checks. I bet. He folds. 

Winning some small pots. Losing bigger ones. 

Sitting at $12,100. 

WSOP 2024

 1 hour til go time. I’ve worked out, had a healthy breakfast and I’m as ready as I can be. Now to visualize myself at the final table. 

Playing 4 handed to start. 25K 100/100/100. 60 min blinds. 

Very first hand 99 in BB. SB checks. I raise. Won first hand. Weeeeee. 

Still first level.  Villain +2 raises to 400. I repop from BB to 1200 with AsQs. Flop comes 3s5d8d. I bet 1200 he calls. Turn is 4s. I bet 2200, he makes it 6500. I call. Turn is 8h. I check he goes all in. Fold. Down to 15K. 

Starting second level with 15K. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Back at it

Headed to Vegas tomorrow. First time playing the WSOP in probably 10 years. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Still working on the poker book. Who thought writing could be so hard?

Anyway, I have so much going on now. Hawkette just opened a new company, I'm writing a poker book, I have another software company I'm trying to open, and I have my regular job. Oh yeah, and I'm the treasurer of my local youth football organization, and the coach of my son's football team. Whew! Who knew life was going to be this fun?

By the way GO BRONCOS!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

I have another poker tournament coming up March 1st, 2014. I'll be supplying the chips and cards but a couple of my employees will be running the tournament itself. I will be doing everything I can to help the tournament be successful including getting players. We will be fundraising for a select baseball team. Let me know if you are interested in playing....

I'm still working on my book about fundraising. I hope to have it done soon. I think I can have the writing done in the next couple of weeks, maybe a month or so with the rewrites. I will then work on the formatting and images of the book, then to get the book out to publication. Nervous but excited all at the same time.

Till next time, stay patient...
